me & Holly in the car
This is a picture of me and Holly in the car. We like car rides.
We're not allowed to put our heads out the window unless we're driving slow because we could get bugs in our eyes or something so most of the time we play car bingo or we nap. Sometimes I get to sit up front but most of the time I have to sit in the back with Holly. Sometimes I start asking "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" but my people won't ever tell me they just say "Stop whining, Pimm!" but I don't know what that means. I like car rides.
I like my bed
I like my bed. It's my bed, it's mine and it's soft and warm and it's mine. When I'm in my bed I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I like being where I'm supposed to be. I know the way things are supposed to be, believe me, I'm part Australian Shepard, I know! Things are supposed to be the way they are supposed to be. We're supposed to keep to a schedule. I know when we're supposed to go to bed, when we're supposed to eat, when I'm supposed to get cookies etc etc... It's a good thing I know how to keep to a schedule 'cause the people around here have no sense of time at all. They have to use clocks. I don't know how to use a clock but I don't need a clock to know when it's dinner time or bed time or cookie time. Good thing I have people around here pretty well trained.
Earlier today Holly and I hunted some small little animal in a brushpile down near the studio. It was too frightened to come out because we're pretty ferocious dogs. I don't know what animal it was, we didn't catch it. I think maybe it was a bear or maybe it was a field mouse, I don't know but either way it was a pretty good hunt. I had to go take a nap after that.
no more cats
It's been really cold lately. We haven't had any structured activities outdoors because it's so cold. This is a good time for napping and cuddling, which I make everyone here do a lot.
Holly has been a little upset because that cat, Weasel,who lives over in the studio has been sick. He went for a car ride lately and he didn't come back. Holly really liked him. I thought he was ok for a cat, he didn't mind whenever I wanted to sniff him and he never scratched me. He once, last fall, went for a walk with me and Holly just like a dog. Well, now there aren't any cats anymore.
Weasel was ok for a cat.
Deer keep coming around. Four yesterday and seven the day before. I think they're like the horses and cows around here but Holly gets a little upset when they're near and she wants to chase them. She doesn't chase them far. I don't chase them unless they are real close to the house. They might try to come in the house and get on my bed.
Lately we've been getting little pieces of bratwurst on top of our breakfast and dinner. Bratwurst is one of the most wonderful foods on earth. Some smart dog once said "Bratwurst is a sign that God loves us and wants us to be happy." I heard that somewhere, I think.
we saw two foxes !
We saw two foxes. I don't know what foxes are. They look sort of like dogs and sort of like cats but I don't like the way they smell and I don't like them coming around my territory. They were up in the upper field near the woods. Holly saw them first and she got all upset and then I started barking and they ran away. They ran away faster than the UPS man does after I bark at him. Later we went out where the foxes were and we sniffed and peed all over the place.
I wanna go out but it's raining
It's been raining for a long time and now it's starting to ice up. I don't like that. I don't like it when it rains. I like snow but rain and sleet not only make my toes all wet and cold they make me all wet and cold. At least with snow I can stick my nose down in it and cover myself in it without getting too wet. Snow is fun. I hope we get some snow instead of this sleet and rain. I pooped close to the house because of the rain.
We saw deer today. They were down in the front field at the edge of the woods. We didn't chase them; they were too far away.
We're napping alot until the weather changes.
Holly likes to curl-up in the big chairs. I like to nap on the couch or on the bed.