Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Today that woodpecker I bark at was back. He was pecking at the metal top of the fireplace chimney and the sound travels all through the house. I don't like that. No, not at all. I barked at him but I can't get at him up there and he knows it. I hate him. But I can get at the wild turkeys that sometimes come through our fields. I went at one today; I think he was a tom (that's a "boy" turkey) because he was all alone. Girl turkeys mostly come in groups. Anyway, he ran into the woods as soon as he heard me barking. I usually bark as soon as I see something (or hear something... or think I see something... or think I hear something... whatever.). Holly says if I wouldn't bark I could sneek up alot closer but I like to bark at stuff. Plus, since most of the stuff I bark at runs away as soon as they hear me I don't have to run that far to chase stuff off. Why exert that much energy running when you can just bark?


At 11:21 PM, April 27, 2005, Blogger Splash said...

Barking is great, isn't it? I bark a lot. So now, since the neighbor complained, I get to stay in the house during the day.

My nefarious little plan worked.....

At 1:03 AM, April 29, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Barking is so much fun. I like the part after I bark a couple times I go find my sidekick and touch his hand and get a treat for it too! I have my humans trained pretty good after just one year . . .

Woodpeckers are interesting, we have some here too. I just watch them cause I've never been up close enough to play with them.

At 4:53 PM, April 29, 2005, Blogger Sam the black GSD said...


Was that the ivory-billed woodpecker? The one that was thought extinct and just re-discovered? I'll bet it was! You may be the first canine observer! You gotta call a press conference and get your name on the list of ivory-billed woodpecker sighters! I know the bird was seen in AK but you are in MO which Mom tells me is right next to AK. By the way, Mom's brother lives in Mt. Vernon, MO. Mom is going to go visit her brother soon she would go now but she has to take care of me and I'm kind of a lot of trouble since I can't walk. But I'm happy. We have nesting chestnut-backed chickadees on our front porch in a little ceramic toy birdhouse.



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