Thursday, March 31, 2005

Squeaky's mom

Holly and I spent the last weekend and part of the week in the big city (St Louis) at our friend Miss Ivy's house. I've known Ivy's dad since I was a puppy no bigger than a fat cat. The reason we were there was that Squeaky's mom was in the hospital up north and our people went up to see her and help her family.


Squeaky used to live across the road from us. Well, actually she was always at our house anyway because her person didn't pay any attention to her at all. Can you imagine that? Having a dog and totally ignoring her? I can't understand that. That's just not right. Anyway, Squeaky eventually moved into our house and later she went up north to live with a nice family with two little girls who like to feed her ham. (Holly was very jealous 'cause Holly loves little girls... and ham.) Squeaky's "forever mom" is really nice. Whenever she comes to visit us she sits with me and brushes me - alot!. That's nice. I like being brushed. I think everyone who comes to my house should brush me. But once she asked about my weight and my mom said I was just big boned and Squeaky's mom said "Yeah, sure, big squishy bones". Now I know all about bones and bones aren't squishy so I don't quite understand what she was talking about but I hope she feels better soon.

Thanks to all who barked about barking. I like to bark. I like to bark about barking and I like to bark with other dogs who like to bark. About barking... or whatever.
I like to howl, too, but thats a whole 'nother thing.


At 1:17 PM, April 01, 2005, Blogger Splash said...

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At 10:41 PM, April 01, 2005, Blogger Splash said...


Brushing is nice, isn't it? I don't get brushed enough. I have pretty short fur, and I'm told I'm "self-maintaining". But I like to be brushed.

I also like the hair dryer, that warm air just feels so relaxing. I know I'm in the minority on that though.

At 9:43 PM, April 02, 2005, Blogger Freda said...

Hi Pimm,
I like to be brushed(curried) with a curry comb while I lie in the warm sun. It is great when humans take the time to brush us. I just drift off into Neverland, chasing that tick tock croc. I have smelled curry powder and wouldn't want to be 'curried' that way. Hail all those humans that brush!
P.S. Squeaky is cute.

At 10:41 PM, April 03, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

To be brushed is to be loved. Ahhhhhh it feels so good, hits the spot and makes me feel sooo relaxed.

I'm yawning just thinking about it . . .


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