Wednesday, April 20, 2005

got sheep?

or deer?

It seems like we've been gone a long time. I've been so tired of traveling and staying at Miss Ivy's house in the city that I haven't written anything for a while. We've been home since late saturday but while we were gone deer have been pooping in our yard and our fields. Their tracks are all over the place! They've gotten really cheeky without dogs to teach them their place. And on top of all that they're pooping right where I like to poop! Well, that stops right now. Holly and I chased a couple out from behind the studio on Tuesday. Our male human called us off and since we know it makes him happy when we obey we paid attention and came right back. We ran right up to him, did our professional "sit" and he gave us cookies and told us we were good dogs. We really got him trained good.
Today we chased some deer out of the woods behind our house. I barked at them and they ran right away. Holly wanted to chase them further but she got distracted by some furry animal that hid in a brush pile. We tried but we couldn't convince him to come out.


At 1:24 AM, April 21, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Watch out for those black and white furry animals, they have a smell that's a bit awful. And if you get sprayed by them your humans might pour tomato juice all over your fur and make you sleep way away from the house in a barn or something. Just thought I'd warn you.


At 11:10 PM, April 21, 2005, Blogger Splash said...

Oooh, Mikey (the old dog in our house) he hates those ugly alien invader mutant dogs (AKA deer). He once chased a 4pt away from the front door of the old house-I-have-never-seen-but-Mike-remembers front door.

At 9:09 PM, April 23, 2005, Blogger Heidi said...

Ve just opened our cabin up and ve have had da same problem vith dose pesty deer. 15 came to visit yesterday. I showed dem who vas boss. I don't tink dey saw me but dey heard's not easy being 8 inches tall but my voice makes up for my size.

Chow, Heidi

At 1:29 AM, April 28, 2005, Blogger Freda said...

My problem is those pesky jack wabbits. They hop around under our shrubs and poop. Pee mail to okay, but I can't stand poop mail. Every morning I have to patrol the yard to make sure they have all left and it is safe for my humans to come out of the house. What we have to do to keep our humans safe.



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