Saturday, March 19, 2005

barking in the house

Usually if I bark in the house I'm told to be quiet but this morning I barked and was told "Good Dog". There was a woodpecker bird pecking on the metal top of our chimney real early today and I barked at him and I scared him away. Me and the male half of my people, previously referred to as my valet, were still in bed and we don't like woodpeckers, especially early in the morning. Being told "good dog" almost makes up for him taking away a dead deer carcass Holly and I had found at the edge of our front field. There wasn't much meat, maybe coyotes or turkey vultures had been at it, but there were lots of yummy bones and they were still bloody! There were rib bones and hip bones and the entire spinal cord with all the back bones. It smelled fantastic! It was like a buffet! My people had to get rid of it because Holly and I could get sick from it, but it was wonderful while it lasted.


At 10:38 AM, March 21, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, a real carcass. I've only heard about these kinds of things. I've dug up a squirrel carcass from under the snow and ice. But I don't know if that's really a carcass as far as we dogs think about it.

I love getting praise for barking, that is so cool! I bark at things like when someone puts on a new hat or there is a new shape in someone's yard that wasn't there before, raccoons, and any animal bigger than that. There is a bird called an Eastern Phoebe that wakes us up when we are staying at the cabin in northern Wisconsin. It makes this irritating loud "feeeebeee! over and over. And usually she sits right outside our bedroom window. She makes sure we get up with the sun. Which is nice for me, but my humans don't seem to appreciate it.

At 12:36 PM, March 22, 2005, Blogger Freda said...

I like to sit in the living room and bark at the other dogs as they walk by. I have scratched up an antique chair, broken an old stained glass window (didn't get hurt) and broken some shutters trying to get to those dogs who dare walk in front of our house. Got to keep our humans safe.

Deer meat. Yum. I've had tuna, salmon, lamb, chicken and beef, cooked of course, but no venison. The closest I get to wild meat are the squished frogs on the street. They smell like chicken. We have so many frog around here, their croaking can drive you crazy. They must be pretty smart though, because there aren't that many flat frogs. Maybe if they had a nice sauce on them I might try one.

We drive by many road kills, like opossum, raccoons and red-tailed hawks. I don't think that would be a good way to go. I feel sorry for them.

Keep up the good work keeping those woodpeckers away. Maybe your valet will get some good deer meat for you. I hear elk is quite good.


At 10:10 PM, March 24, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I forgot to mention that I cuddle for ice cream too :) Thanks for the cheer-me-up link - those photos are great, aren't they?

At 4:26 PM, March 25, 2005, Blogger Splash said...

I love to bark! I'm the only one around here who is proactive in any way. I like people to come visit, but not the UPS guy, not the mailman, not the invisible person who makes thunder, and not the bug guy.

At 6:27 PM, March 25, 2005, Blogger Heidi said...

I like to bark for no reason at all! it's fun. My humans don't mind cause I don't do it all da time.

Yummy deer dats vhat I call a meal! How can ve dogs convince da humans dat dis is good schtuff?

Chow, Heidi

At 10:22 PM, March 25, 2005, Blogger Sam the black GSD said...

Hi Pimm,

It's my belief that humans adore us when we bark. I barked for a half hour straight this morning and my reward was breakfast! Barking delivers results.



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