Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I got more burrs in my fur!

I got a lot of burrs in my fur! I went in the woods after dinner today and I got a lot of burrs in my fur.

Those deer have been around the house again - I can find their poop everywhere.

Lately my people have been worried about me because I wasn't hungry at breakfast time and I never, I mean never, skip meals. But I'm ok. I was just full because I had been eating some left-over frozen mole jerky, or some other small animal stuff, that some hawk or some fox had left, uneaten, in our yard. I couldn't tell anyone because I'm not supposed to eat nasty stuff like that - but it's so good I just can't help myself. It tastes soo wild and uncooked, of course, and it's just so... so... primal. I felt quite the wild dog, quite the nature boy. Afterward I didn't feel too good but I can't imagine why. At least I didn't throw-up. No way am I letting go of any food that I had to work so hard to get. Nope, if I ate it I'm keeping it!


At 9:26 PM, February 02, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean Pimm. I worked and worked and worked to dig my way through the ice and frozen ground to dig up part of a former bunny.

I got to eat part of it, but was found out before I could get to the good stuff!

I was sick too, sick as a human phewwwww! But I held it in, just like you. Good work!

At 6:19 PM, February 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dat sounds like a vonderful meal to me! I love anything dat has been laying around dead for several days. Scrumpdeliscious........but don't tell my humans.......Dey not suppose to know dat.

Chow Heidi


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