Saturday, January 14, 2006


What I have to put up with at the holidays. A "cousin" actually. This is Cole, also known as "The Little Black Ball of Chaos" although the light makes him look pretty grey in this photo. He's a whiny little stinker. He didn't pee in the house like previous years but he still wasn't very well behaved. He just doesn't get along well with others. He growled and barked at us and once again Holly had to show him her teeth to get him to behave. She never said a word, just casually lifted her lips and after that he kept his distance.
I don't get it. Is it because he's a poodle? It can't be because he's a little dog, because my other cousin, Parky, is a little dog and he's fine. Parky and I run around and pee on everthing and have a great time together.

This is a picture of me on the back deck. That's a giant frog behind me but he doesn't move, so he's no fun.


At 12:24 AM, January 16, 2006, Blogger Freda said...

Hey Pimm,

Hope you had a great holiday.

Did you and Parky pee on that big frog? Our frogs are a lot smaller, and they jump around so fast I can't pee on them!

Don't be so hard on Cole. I am like that some times but most of the time I'm cool. Maybe all he needs is a little 'lip', like Holly gave him, to keep him in line.

Like your deck. Bet it's nice and warm in the sun.



At 11:26 PM, January 16, 2006, Blogger Splash said...

Man that is one scary looking cousin-dog. Or maybe he is just not very photogenic?

At 9:19 AM, January 22, 2006, Blogger IndyPindy said...

Wow, Cole is...not very pretty. Does he have eyes? If he does, you can't see him in that picture!

At 11:02 AM, January 22, 2006, Blogger R. Keith said...

Hi Freda, Splash and Indy,
Well, actually Cole is a lot better behaved than he was when we were all younger and getting to know each other. We'd probably get along better if we saw each other more than once a year and didn't feel competitive for the attention (and turkey) our grandmother serves up.

I hope you all have some sun to lounge in. Our weather is so lousy I can think of nothing but food.

At 9:15 PM, January 26, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

your cousin is kinda cute and ugly at the same time - like Triumph.

Of course, you are as cool-looking as ever!

Anyway, keep an eye on that frog, it might be a cat in disguise waiting to pounce.



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