Sunday, July 31, 2005

back in the city

We're back in the city now, at our Peed-a-terre (our little apartment). A couple days ago our humans started putting all their stuff in boxes. I thought we might be going on vacation up north to this lake like we do sometimes in late summer but then some guys came and put all of our stuff in a big truck and drove it all away. They were nice - they petted Holly and me - but when they were done there wasn't anything left in the house at all! Luckily, my people put my food container in our car.

Now we've been in the city for two days. We saw our friend Miss Ivy yesterday by chance in the park and today, outside a cafe, we met a big dog named Murphy. Murphy was waiting for coffe. I don't know if we're still going on vacation to the lake or to one of our grandmother's houses or what, but I'm getting to pee alot in a lot of different places and that's good. And my pack is staying together and that's important. But I'm not sure what's going on.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

in the city

Couple days ago Holly and I went into the city and stayed overnight. We stayed in an apartment we had never been in before but it was near the park we usually play and pee in so it was ok. We saw some of our city friends, two little white dogs named Royce and Bentley and we saw some of our human city friends too.
Our people kept talking about stuff like "home inspections" and "closing" and some guy named Ernest Monie. I don't understand about that stuff, I mean you can't pee on it or eat it, right? And why doesn't Ernest come over and pet me? I don't know...
Anyway, we were all together as a pack, which is very important, and I got to poop and pee in new places and then we came home.

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