Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's too hot

It's too hot to go outside, unless it's a pack thing like walking to the road to get the mail. I'll always go to get the mail. I always have to pee alot around the entrance to our lane because of that little fluff-ball of a dog that lives across the road - got to leave a message, like dog email. I haven't heard her barking lately. I think she stays indoors because of the heat.
On the way back I pooped in the front field.


At 10:35 AM, July 06, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you Pimm, dog email pee is part of my job every day. We were gone on vacation for a while and when I got back I had tons of work to do. I ran out of pee this morning, better start drinking more water I guess . . .


At 4:00 PM, July 07, 2005, Blogger Sam the black GSD said...


Saw your post on my blog that you are moving too, from the farm to the city. We are probably moving to Missouri ourselves to a small town in the SW corner. Mom's checking things out in Mt. Vernon.


At 8:45 AM, July 14, 2005, Blogger R. Keith said...

I bet you like Missouri! You can swim in rivers here, and there will be tons of new stuff to pee on. Cal, why don't you move to Missouri and we can all start a pee club.

At 11:11 AM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Pimm, great idea about a pee club. Count me in even if I never move to Missouri. I'll make the t-shirts. Wait, I hate clothes on dogs, strike that.

Yeah, that venison and potato stuff is great. But everytime my human goes to pick up another case, he always mumbles something about having to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner that night again. What's up with that anyway? I like pbjs - I was able to sneak one off the picnic table when the kids weren't looking.


At 12:15 PM, September 10, 2005, Blogger IndyPindy said...

Hi Pimm, my name is Indy. My human mother teases me because I insist on peeing on the same spots every time we go for a walk. In fact, she calls my normal potty spot "the pee spot". Well sheesh, just announce it to the whole world! She also calls my regular #2 spot "poo alley". I guess I should come up with a name for their bathroom.
Woo woos and treats,


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