It's Turtle Season!
Turtle season has started! I love hunting turtles. Sometimes they pee if you tilt them up just right. I've caught two so far; one yesterday and one this morning. Todays was really big, I could hardly carry him. I brought him up to the house and then my male human and I took him back out to the edge of the woods and released him. We always do "catch and release".
Holly hasn't caught any turtles so far. She's more interested in the racoons that live near by. She hasn't caught any of those, either.
rolling in it
I rolled in something really fantastic today. It smelled so great (meaning it smelled really horrible for all you non-canines). I don't know what it was but it was really good. It was soo stinky it mesmerized me and I didn't hear my name being called. I'm usually very good about coming when called but this was so smelly I couldn't tear myself away. I think it might have been something that died but I'm not sure what. It was very wet. And very sticky. And stinky as anything. Wonderful stinky! I got the stuff all over my neck and shoulders. My male person had to give me a bath right away. He wasn't happy. He almost threw-up twice.
(but I still smell stinky! yay!)
This morning we met our neighbor from across the road for only the second time ever. We had gone all the way down to the road, (with our male human of course, because Holly & I aren't allowed to go near the road by ourselves). The road is almost two football fields away but since football is a game that doesn't involve liver treats I don't know how far that is. Our neighbor spends a lot of time indoors and when she's outside she doesn't go very far from her house so we don't see (or hear) her much. She's a little dog. She's really little. She's smaller than those old cats that used to live with us! How do little dogs get so little? ...anyway, she was standing at the entrance to our lane so we all sniffed each other, wagged our tails and then we all peed to commemorate our visit. It was fun.