Tuesday, February 15, 2005

they're not respecting my authority

There have been people making a comotion (that's my job!) outside my house all day today. They've used machines louder than the vacuum cleaner! They dug up part of the front walkway without anyone telling them to stop, like when Holly and I do some digging. But worst of all they didn't go away when I barked at them. Usually, people go away after I bark at them like the guy in the brown truck who leaves boxes on our porch or the guy who delivers propane and propane accessories. But these guys stayed all day even though I barked and barked. Holly even barked and she usually doesn't bark too much. I feel dissed.

Well, at least Miss Ivy went back to the city last week. Holly and Ivy like to play when they're outside, they wrestle and I like to watch, but inside Ivy tries to rip apart all of Holly's toys. I mean really dismember them, limb from limb. We had to hide some of her toys so Ivy couldn't destroy them. Holly has been playing with them more than usual since Ivy left.

Holly & Ivy


At 5:41 PM, February 16, 2005, Blogger Splash said...

I bark at the brown truck too. Man that truck really gets around!

I also don't like the truck that comes and takes the contents of the big can once a week.

I don't want anything left and I don't want anything taken.


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