Something's Up
Something's up around here. Those men are finally done digging up our yard, but another weird man came and spend a lot of time talking to my people. He took a lot of pictures of my house. When he left he put a sign down at the end of the road. I had to pee on it several times.
I think this is what he did with the pictures.
they're not respecting my authority
There have been people making a comotion (that's my job!) outside my house all day today. They've used machines louder than the vacuum cleaner! They dug up part of the front walkway without anyone telling them to stop, like when Holly and I do some digging. But worst of all they didn't go away when I barked at them. Usually, people go away after I bark at them like the guy in the brown truck who leaves boxes on our porch or the guy who delivers propane and propane accessories. But these guys stayed all day even though I barked and barked. Holly even barked and she usually doesn't bark too much. I feel dissed.
Well, at least Miss Ivy went back to the city last week. Holly and Ivy like to play when they're outside, they wrestle and I like to watch, but inside Ivy tries to rip apart all of Holly's toys. I mean really dismember them, limb from limb. We had to hide some of her toys so Ivy couldn't destroy them. Holly has been playing with them more than usual since Ivy left.
Miss Ivy is visiting
Miss Ivy, a big galumpy hound like a blue tick mix, is visiting with us. She lives in the city with our friend John but sometimes she comes out and stays with us. She's kind of goofy and she has a big deep voice. Sometimes Holly gets jealous of her but otherwise we all get along ok. I like having lots of girls around.
I got more burrs in my fur!
I got a lot of burrs in my fur! I went in the woods after dinner today and I got a lot of burrs in my fur.
Those deer have been around the house again - I can find their poop everywhere.
Lately my people have been worried about me because I wasn't hungry at breakfast time and I never, I mean never, skip meals. But I'm ok. I was just full because I had been eating some left-over frozen mole jerky, or some other small animal stuff, that some hawk or some fox had left, uneaten, in our yard. I couldn't tell anyone because I'm not supposed to eat nasty stuff like that - but it's so good I just can't help myself. It tastes soo wild and uncooked, of course, and it's just so... so... primal. I felt quite the wild dog, quite the nature boy. Afterward I didn't feel too good but I can't imagine why. At least I didn't throw-up. No way am I letting go of any food that I had to work so hard to get. Nope, if I ate it I'm keeping it!