Monday, October 24, 2005


...because I haven't posted any photos in a long time.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I have to be sociable, here in the city, because we meet so many other dogs. Lots of dogs 'round here take their humans out for walks in the mornings and evenings. The other night me and Holly met a big fluffy shepherd type dog named Max. We'd seen him around before. Earlier we met some brown dogs; I didn't get their names. We met a long-haired weiner dog who was a little afraid of us so we just stood around listening to our mom talk with his person and eventualy he came out from behind his person's legs to say hi. We also met a pug mix (puggish?) dog named Murphy. And around the corner is Georgie. She's a nice black & white dog about Holly's size. Georgie used to bark at us when we would go by her yard and sometimes we would have to say something back but now we've been by so many times (she lives on the most direct route to the park) that we all just wag our tails when we meet, then we all pee.

We also meet a lot of dogs through the fences in the alleys. These dogs usually bark at us loud and excitedly. You wouldn't believe some of the things they say. Holly and I usually don't say anything back 'cause we know these dogs are just frustrated that they don't get out of their yards much.

I say take your humans for walks whether they want to or not. It's good for them and it shows you are a responsible dog.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Yard Dogs

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I'm busy establishing my authority over my new neighborhood and my new yard. I think things are going ok. It's taking a lot of peeing. Some dogs on this block are pretty yappy, and my mom got mad when our immediate neighbors told her that I bark too much during the day. That's not me! They heard dogs nearby barking and confused them with me. I practice more self restraint than that. I save my barking for when it's really needed like once a day when that lady throws envelopes through the slot in our front door.

Here's an experiment. Let me know if you can use this Quick Tiime movie. It's me and Holly in the back yard. It may take a minute or two to load.

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