Friday, February 01, 2008

Holly tries to understand

Friday, December 28, 2007

playing with Holly

Me and Holly playing. We were were wearing our special Christmas collars. We like wearing them because it usually means there's going to be a party.

Watch near the end as I bonk Holly in the nose pretty hard (she was ok though - she's tough).

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays

(I'll post more later - I'm very busy now that I went to University of Missouri Veterinary Medical school this past fall and got a Certificate!
... I think I'm a Doctor now or else I was a patient, I'm not sure. But I did get a certificate. I'll post the certificate later.)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

me (cheap camera version)

My male human took this picture of me when I was taking him for a walk. He used a cheap ($10!) mini digital camera smaller than a cookie. He let me sniff it but it didn'tsmell like a cookie so I didn't eat it.
He thinks the picture can be thought of as an "art photo" but I don't think so - my butts not showing.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

stupid new Blogger

Stupid new blogger! I hate the new Blogger!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

why I don't post much these days

I haven't been posting much lately. I started this blog a few years ago so that my mommy, who was then working in another town four days and three nights a week, could keep track of what I was doing and smelling and peeing on. I missed her and she missed me (and Holly too). We're very close and this blog helped us keep in touch when she was away. I really posted just to talk to her and now that we, Holly and me and our humans, all live in one location, in the same city, with no one leaving the pack for more than a day this blog isn't as important as it once was and I don't post much anymore.
However, since other dogs and their humans do sometimes read this dogblog, I will try to post more often again.

I think I'll start posting pictures of the neighbors (maybe with their humans) soon.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

am I running a hotel ?

The past two weeks Ivy has been staying with us. She just went home a few days ago and I was begining to think she was going to stay for good! She has stayed with us a couple of times this year but only for a few days at a time.

Miss Ivy

Ivy's person, John, who we stay with once in a while, was just on vacation but I was quite worried. Especially after more than a whole week. Nobody had ever stayed with us that long before except Squeaky, who had lived with us for almost a year out in the country before she went up north to live with some nice little girls who feed her ham. But after a week, just when I thought Ivy should be going home, guess who showed up? Squeaky!


Squeaky stayed for two nights. Four dogs! We out-numbered the humans 2 to 1. Squeaky has met Ivy before and they get along ok. I was a little worried that the three girls would gang up on me but they all respected my authoritie. ("You mean we all ignored you" - Holly)
Ivy loves to play with our squeaky toys even more than we do but Squeaky doesn't like the noise they make so she would take them away from Ivy and lay down with them in the corner. Ivy could only play with the toys that didn't make noise.

Eventually they both left and now it's just Holly and me, but our humans are doing that thing they do just before another dog comes over - "Do you want to see Squeaky?" "Do you want to see Max?" "Do you want to see Max and Maggie?"

Max and Maggie stayed with us too, earlier this summer.

I must be running a hotel.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

guest chef

Several days ago, when our people were gone from the house, a stranger came to the door. Me and Holly barked at him but unlike the mailman, who drops the mail and then runs in terror of my fluffy ferociousness, this guy opens the door and comes in! I thought he might be a burglar so we barked at him some more and then we sniffed him all over, just to check him out and make sure he wasn't too frightened of me (I'm not a mean dog). He recovered enough to pet us some. I didn't know what to do with him after that so I herded him into the kitchen and had him fix dinner for us. Later we took him for a walk and I showed him some of my pee-mail spots and then he went away. Then Holly reminded me that he had been to the house once before a few weeks ago.

Anyway, just before bedtime, our people were still not home and this guy shows up again. We didn't bark at him this time instead we all went out in the backyard and had cookies and peed and sniffed and stuff and then he went home and Holly and I spent the night home alone! Which meant that we could both sleep on the big people bed and really stretch out! I like to sleep on my back in the very middle of the bed.

Next morning, the guy was back again and he served us breakfast, not breakfast in bed but it was good anyway. Later that day our people came back.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My 5 Secrets

I've been tagged by Freda.

1. I am a 52 pound lap dog. Can I sit on your lap? I promise it won't hurt a bit.

2. I don't know if Holly is my wife or my sister, so I treat her like both, if you know what I mean. I especially like to treat her like my wife when we're getting into a car.

3. I am a mama's boy. Don't try to separate me from her or there will be trouble. My favorite thing in the world is reclining on my back on the pillows in the people bed and whining until she strokes my tummy.

4. I'm obsessed with an air return duct in the dining room. Once I heard loud noises coming up through it from the basement, which validates my need to stare down it several times an hour.

5. I'm very into butt comfort. I'm kind of happy when my people are injured so I can rest my butt on a heating pad in the winter or ice pack in the summer.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

partial list

--------------- Me --- Holly
cherries ........yes ...... no
nectarines ....yes ...... yes
watermelon ..yes ...... yes
banana .........yes ...... no
apricot .........yes ...... no
raspberry .....yes ...... yes
green beans .yes ...... yes
kiwi ..............yes ...... no
apricot .........yes ...... yes
blueberry......yes ...... no
basil ............yes ...... no
(an entire leaf!)
mango .........yes ...... no
plum ............yes ...... no
avocado .......yes ...... yes

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